Grace Lee Y4 BPS: …but it was far too hot…..

It was the ‘Annual Football Tournament 2014’ on the  scorching hot pitch at my school,  B.I.K.E. (Bangkok International Key Education). Our year-group was unlucky (well all except the boys) because it would have  been 6 hours long without a break ( how EXHAUSTING!). My teammate, Mearlia wanted to be the substitute player all the time. But since this was supposed to be a team game, she got told off for not being a good teammate. Her excuse was, “But it was far too hot to be a Goalie, Striker, Defender or Midfielder!” But our teacher, Miss Hayley was smart enough to think that the response was just an excuse. So her punishment was losing a minute of her reward time. Uh-oh………

5 thoughts on “Grace Lee Y4 BPS: …but it was far too hot…..

  1. Dear Grace, I like the way that you are using personal experience in your writing as it helps to make things appear more ‘real’. I am a little puzzled why the boys are not playing, as you mentioned at the start that it was the Year Group who were involved. Sometimes it is good to add mystery and other times it is good to keep things simple – that is the choice you need to make each time you write as it all depends on your purpose. Well done for then developing the situation with Mearlia; that read very well. Weel done. 🙂

  2. I am not sure that weel done was the correct ending!! Perhaps a simple “Well done” would have been better!! 🙂

  3. Hi Grace… I am impressed you know the different positions that footballers have to take on. eg midfielder, striker. Did you do some research or you picked up those terms from watching football matches? I am wondering the same thing as Mr M. Why are the boys lucky? A loophole in your story? I noticed you used ‘But’ to start off your sentences quite often. Perhaps vary how you open your sentences to make it interesting. Be mindful too of being too ‘casual’ in your writing eg ‘sub’ ‘got told off’. I like how you worked in Ms Hayley and Mearlia. You have a good imagination for story writing Grace. Give yourself a pat on your back for writing a good story!

  4. Hi Grace,
    You have used this weeks 100 word challenge prompt very well to write a very creative and interesting story.
    Well done and keep up the good work.
    Libby (team100wc)

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